Township Hall
The Valley Township Hall was authorized by former Trustees Albert Malone, John Underwood, and Terry Williams. The building was erected in 1989. The Township Hall is located at 459 Robert Lucas Road, Lucasville Ohio. This building is available for rental to any citizen of Valley Township and is often rented for events like group meetings, family reunions, or birthday parties.
Township Hall Rental
The Township Hall (Community Building) located at 459 Robert Lucas Road, is available for rental to any citizen of Valley Township. The Township Hall is available for rent from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. You must have the building cleaned up and ready to leave no later than 9:00 p.m.
Rental Prices
$80.00 Rental Fee for five (5) hours and an $80.00 deposit
Additional Hours:
$20.00 Rental Fee per additional hour
$20.00 Deposit Fee per additional hour
*Example: A seven hour rental would cost $120.00 Rental Fee and a $120.00 Deposit (deposit is refundable)
Check Availability
Contact Kim Carrington at (740) 285-0031 or call the township office number at (740) 259-2251.
Download the Valley Township Hall Building Rental Contract and Liability Agreement. Complete pages one and two. Send the completed agreement form and a money order for payment (we do not except personal checks or cash) to Valley Township, P.O. Box 489, Lucasville, Ohio 45648. Agreement form and payment must be received before the event.